Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Grilled Corn

Now that it's beginning to become summer, I must share this awesome way to enjoy corn. On a whim, I bought corn because it was on special at the grocery store. When I came home I instantly had a flash back to summer camp where they would grill corn on the beach for the end of summer party. It was the best corn I have ever had in my life. So I decided to grill these puppies. 


4-6 ears of corn
3 tablespoons of butter
1/4 teaspoon of black pepper
1/2 teaspoon of salt
a couple dashes of italian seasoning


Break off excess stalk. Soak ears in cold water for 20 minutes. Melt butter and add pepper, salt, and italian seasoning. Peel off a couple layers of husks but make sure to leave a couple layers for grilling. Next, carefully peel back the remaining layers of husk like a banana. Remove as much silk as possible. Brush corn with melted butter and seasonings. Carefully pull husks back into place. Repeat until all ears are done. Place buttered ears (with husks back up) onto the bun warmer of hot grill (medium or 300* for gas). Cook for 8 minutes then rotate 180* and cook for another 8 minutes. Serve immediately. 

*Note: If you place corn on the main grill portion and not a bun warmer your husks will catch on fire. I found this out the hard way.

Source: Self

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