Monday, May 16, 2011

Cream Cheese Wontons

I just want to apologize for introducing you to this amazing food. I came across this at our favorite chinese restaurant. Unlike most filled wontons, this is a sweet recipe. I was pleasantly surprised at how easy they were to duplicate at home. This recipe makes a lot so I share with friends or freeze half the mixture and make the rest at a later date.

Cream Cheese Wontons

Yields 40 wontons


8 ounces cream cheese
1/2 cup sugar
1 egg
One package wonton wrappers
paint brush
vegetable oil


Bring cream cheese to room temperature. Combine cream cheese, sugar, and egg in a bowl. Heat oil over medium or until a plain wonton fries within 45 seconds. To make the wontons, spoon 1 teaspoon of cream cheese mixture in middle of the wonton wrapper. Run a small paint brush that has been dipped in water over the edges of the wonton wrapper and fold it which ever way you prefer. I make my into a square fold or into a triangle. Make wontons a couple of a time then fry them immediately until golden brown. Let cool on a cooling rack with newspaper underneath to catch the oil. I eat mine plain but some serve with a fruit or chocolate sauce. 
Source: Local restaurant

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