Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Yes, I'm still alive! I took a much needed break from blogging as I started up school again and some personal matters. But, I'm back and have a fantastic recipe I hope makes up for my absence! Mojitos! I had never tried them before I made my first one. I was reading reviews and I couldn't imagine a sweet, alcoholic drink being refreshing. Obviously, I my mind is changed forever. Using real mint leaves give this recipe the edge over most other recipes.


Two Cocktails

Juice of two lime (I used bottled)
6-8 mint leaves
1/4 cup sugar
1/4 cup white rum
1/4 cup club soda to taste (I used lime flavored)
Mint and slices of lime to garnish


In the bottle of a glass, muddle the juice, mint leaves, and sugar together. This helps release the mint oils. I don't have a muddle so I used a fat ended wooden spatula. I also splashed a little bit of hot water on the sugar so it melted somewhat and blended together better. After 30 seconds, add the rum and some ice but leave some room at the top for the club soda. Put a splash of club soda and garnish with mint and lime, if desired.
I have made these both in a pitcher for a party and individually. I personally think the ones made individually are far better than served from a pitcher. And, I was heavy handed on the mint which I think really makes this drink so spectacular. Enjoy!

Source:'s Rita "Refreshing Mojito By the Pitcher"